Kilimanjaro to Lake Natron Bike Tour

Tour highlight

Take a scenic bike journey in Tanzania covering 328 kilometers, starting at the east of Mount Kilimanjaro. Begin at the stunning Lake Chala on the Kenya-Tanzania border, fed by Kilimanjaro’s waters. Pedal through northern Tanzania towards the striking Lake Natron, nestled below the Oldoinyo Lengai volcano. This soda lake is home to lots of Lesser Flamingos. Enjoy not just the ride but also local food along the way, making the experience richer. With an elevation of 4976 meters, this bike tour promises a mix of nature, culture, and tasty local treats. From beautiful mountains to the Rift Valley, it’s a simple and enjoyable adventure for everyone.

Distance covered: Km 328 | Road type: Dirt road, Gravel and Tarmac Road

Tour availability: Jan - March, Mid June - Oct. Dec - March


You will be met at Kilimanjaro International Airport (JRO) and transferred to your overnight accommodation at Lake Chala.

Today you will meet your guide who will brief you about your upcoming tour and together you will do the bike fitting. If you will arriving in the morning or afternoon flight, you will have ample time to go for a quick test ride through the nearby villages or enjoying walking down the base of lake for kayaking .

Accommodation: Lake Chala Safari Lodge Meals: Dinner

Our  journey begins today from Lake Chala, a captivating crater lake straddling the border of Kenya and Tanzania fed from the sources from majestic Mount Kilimanjaro.

Our first adventure ride begins by traversing the vibrant Rombo town, with our first notable stop at the local markets in Tarekea. Here, you’ll witness the bustling daily activities of the Chagga people, Kilimanjaro’s renowned inhabitants, as they conduct their business along the Kenya-Tanzania border.

Continuing our ride, we’ll head towards the northeast side of Mount Kilimanjaro, ultimately reaching Nalemoru village. This village marks the starting point of the Rongai route, a trail leading up Kilimanjaro.

Our overnight stay awaits at the cozy Snowcap Cottages, providing a comfortable retreat to rejuvenate for the next leg of our unforgettable cycling expedition. Get ready for a night of relaxation and reflection on the day’s remarkable experiences.

Accommodation: Snow Cap Cottages,  Meals: Breakfast, Lunch , Dinner Distance: 64km Estimated time: 5-6 hours

Your ride today takes you through beautiful open farmlands with breathtaking views from Mount Kilimanjaro and Mawenzi Peak on clear skies. Passing through Rongai forest and the vibrant towns near the Tanzanian-Kenya border.

Our ride today ends at plains of the African savannah Sinya at Kambi ya Tembo Camp. The name Kambi ya Tembo means Elephant Campsite (Elephant territory).

The camp is 600 square kilometres concession, which offers incomparable scenery with magnificent views of the Kilimanjaro, Mount Meru and the Ol Doinyo Sabuk, Longido and Ol Doinyo Orok peaks. It is one of the only places in Africa where one can observe large bull elephants more than 50 years old with enormous tusks.

Maasai settlements, known as “bomas”, are scattered around Sinya. The Maasai in Sinya continue to live traditionally, dressed in their colourful blankets and celebrate their traditional ceremonies. They aren’t as used to seeing tourists more common in other areas visited by visitors.

Accommodation: Kambi ya Tembo Tented Lodge,  Meals: Breakfast, Lunch , Dinner Distance: 76km Estimated time: 7-8 shours

We will begin our journey in the morning through the maasai grazing plains, meet the local Maasai people on the way, enjoy the exciting view of the Ngasurai plains.

Ngasurai open plains serve as a wildlife corridor for wild animals moving from Amboseli National Park to Arusha NationaL Park.

The roads on these open plains will be 90% off the beaten while only 10% tarmac before reaching to Longido District.

With the height of about 2,637 m above sea level, Mount Longido is one of are isolated mountains that are found in Arusha region at Longido District.

Accommodation: Mount Longido Lodge, Distance: 66km Estimated time: 6-7 hours, Meals: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Today’s landscape consists of dramatic acacia plains and mountain forests with excellent views of Mt.Longido , Mt. Meru, and the glorious Mountain of God; Oldoinyo Lengai.

Some wildlife can be seen on the way; including giraffes, hyenas, zebras, kudu, impala, ostriches and many species of birds, The terrain is a bit challenging with ups and downs and as such we should be prepared with our favorite snacks as well as our tropical fruits on our water stops to keep our energy levels up! We will arrive at our accommodation area exhausted but elated!

Accommodation: Mount Ketumbeine Motel, Meals: Breakfast, Lunch , Dinner Distance: 50km Estimated time: 5-6 hours

We will cycle across the low saddle between the mountains of Kitumbeini and Gelai, with the magnificent view of Oldoinyo Lengai.

Today we will see more of the wildlife that populates the region while on two wheels; we will proceed with our last and the most difficult challenge heading to Lake Natron!

It is always very hot and today’s terrain of the road is rocky and loose gravel that can spell disaster if we are not careful enough especially on the sharp corners and when crossing seasonal rivers!

Lunch will be served halfway before heading to Lake Natron Tented Camp where our cycling tour ends! We wind up our challenge by a memorable Feast Style Celebratory Dinner accompanied by live BBQ.

Accommodation: Lake Natron Tented Camp, Meals: Breakfast, Lunch , Dinner Distance: 72km Estimated time: 8-9 hours

We have two optional activities which are walking to lake Natron and Hiking Mount Ol Doinyo Lengai

After breakfast  will have a tour to visit lake Natron for bird watching and then visit Maasai boma to learn about their traditional and customs . Later you will be transferred back to the camp for lunch before evening for you to enjoy sundown.

An overnight ascent to the summit of the famous “Mountain of God”. Climbing the 2,962 volcano under moonlight is an unforgettable and mystical experience. 
This trek is not for the faint hearted but worth it for the un-paralleled views from the top at sunrise.
On a clear day you can expect to see the tips of Meru and Kilimanjaro pierce through the horizon to the east. To the north you can see to the far end of Lake Natron, where its northern shores border Kenya. To the west you will be able to see over the escarpment across the Sale Plains all the way to the Gol Mountains in a view that is so spectacular it doesn’t look real!


11:30pm wake up, go to mess area for tea/coffee and snacks before driving to the base of Lengai

1am arrive at the base of Lengai and start your ascent

6am you are at the top of Lengai!

6:30am start your descent

12pm arrive at the base of Lengai, drive back to Lake Natron Camp

1pm arrive at Lake Natron Camp greeted by a cold face towel and fresh cold drink

1:30pm have lunch, relax by the pool, have a massage!

Please note, these timings are estimates. For some people it may take longer & for some a lot quicker!

As your remarkable 7-day adventure in Africa ends, we will ensure a seamless transfer back to the airport. If you wish to extend your exploration of Tanzania or be transferred to another enchanting destination within the country, we are more than happy to arrange that for you. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we are here to accommodate your preferences for a smooth and enjoyable conclusion to your Tanzanian experience.

Tour gallery

Price 1800 USD per person

Contact us for a group price which is lower in case you are in a group.

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